What is a Teleprompter and How Does it Work

Did you know… 

You can read a script while looking into the camera? 
Just like a professional television news reader? 


Unless you can memorize all the words to read. 
Then, maybe a teleprompter is what you need. 

How does a teleprompter work

Is it good for you or not? 
Let me show you what I’ve got! 

It works by placing a reflective glass 
Between you and the camera. 
Reflect your script on one side. 
Place your camera on the other. 

Good news… if you work alone, 
because you can use your phone. 

Hold it in your hand. 
Fix it on a tripod stand. 

Oh wait there is also the handy remote control 
To adjust how fast you want your script to scroll.

Now you know how TV news readers 
can read the news while looking at you. 
You can now use a teleprompter 
to help you look into the camera too. 

Check out my full review and where to buy here… https://www.videolane.com/lensgo-tc7-teleprompter-review/

~ Adrian Lee 

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