7 Ways to Optimize Your Youtube Channel for More Views and Subscribers

How to get more YouTube views? How to get more YouTube subscribers? These are the questions we small YouTubers ask.

My YouTube channel grew quickly from 3000 to 19000 subscribers because of the tips and tricks I learned from YT Profit Maximizer.

Here are the 7 strategies I use.

  1. Upload Consistently – I try to upload videos to my YouTube channel once a week. If I don’t, I will see my views start to fall. Some people suggest keeping to a schedule, but this is hard for me to follow.
  2. Focus on a Niche – When I started out, I posted anything under the sun, till I found a topic that attracted subscribers. I then continue posting videos related to the same topic. If I post something else, I will get unsubscribes.
  3. Double Down – Post videos that your audience wants to watch, not what you THINK they want to watch. To find out what they want to watch, I use this tool called Tubebuddy. Actually, the main bulk of my channel growth comes from this single strategy alone.
  4. Use Popular Keywords – Include the words people use to search your topic in the title, description, and tags. Again, I use Tubebuddy to tell me the best keywords to use. If I want more, I will use Google Search and YouTube Search autosuggestions.
  5. Craft an Attractive Title – The title is the first and most important thing to get your video found. Use the popular keywords you researched earlier in the title. I spend a huge chunk of time crafting the title even before knowing what video I am going to make.
  6. Monetize the Description – From my own experience, many of my popular videos do not have any description at all. While others teach you to fill up the description with your keywords, I dare say to not waste time till your video takes off. After which, I will insert links to my products and websites… and of course the description and chapter markers.
  7. Create a Captivating Thumbnail – After the title, the next thing that attracts viewers is the thumbnail. I tend to use huge texts, summarized from the title, together with the image of the item the video is about. I create the thumbnail from within the video and take a snapshot instead of wasting time using another software.

As a solo entrepreneur YouTuber, I don’t have so much time to optimize all my videos, but these 7 points are the essential ones.

I will only further optimize after the videos gain some traction by filling in things like tags, timestamps, subtitles, info cards, end cards, playlists and more.

The rest of my time is spent on scripting, shooting and editing my videos.

There is no point in optimizing your YouTube channel if your videos cannot get the viewer interested enough to watch till the end (aka watch time).

Check out my Smartphone Videography and Video Editing Online Class here.

For staying till the end of this post, here’s one more tip.

8. Share share share – YouTube looks at the first 24 hours after upload your video to see if anyone is watching. If there is a substantial number of people watching, then YouTube will show it to more people. So share the link to your new upload immediately outside of YouTube.

Do you have a YouTube channel? Share the link with your number ONE YouTube optimization strategy.

Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Also, feel free to share this post with your friends.

See you in the next one.

Adrian Lee

Connect with me here…
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Disclosure: I will earn a tiny commission when you make a purchase through some links in this post.

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